HISTORICAL FACTS ABOUT LAGOS " EKO" The Historical fact is that Oba Orhogbua, who reigned in Benin in the 16th Century (about 1550AD) waged a number of wars, one of which carried him as far as to the land now known as Dahomey, which he conquered and over which he installed a Military Administrator by the name of Isidahome after whom that territory was named "the land of Isidahome" which, over the centuries, became the modern "Dahomey." It was during the Oba's expedition that he came to the island which the Portuguese subsequently named Lagos. As the journey was long and tedious, he decided to find a resting place. The whole area was a swampy bush but after some exploration, he reached the sandy beach which he found very suitable, with its clear water and plenty of fish, the Oba with his men decided to build a camp there. This was how Lagos came to acquire the name "Eko." This word is not a Yoruba word. The fact is that this island had...