Mobile technologies for libraries: A list of mobile applications and resources for development
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimated that more than 5 billion mobile subscriptions would exist worldwide by the end of 2010, which more than tripled home Internet access. ITU also predicts Web access from mobile devices will exceed access from desktop computers within the next five years. Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC), estimates that by May, 2010 – April, 2011, there would be ninety million (90, 000.000) active lines in the telecommunication industry. Mobile (GSM) – 83, 643, 903million, mobile (CDMA)- 5, 985, 163 and fixed wired/wireless- 957, 719. Therefore, libraries should be exploring mobile devices as a way to connect with patrons. Creating a library application (“app”) or mobile Web site that allows patrons to access library hours, view their library account or even search databases is easier than most people think. The resources below should help libraries begin to plan and implement their own unique mobile presence.