ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science
ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science ODLIS includes not only the terminology of the various specializations within LIS but also the vocabulary of publishing, printing, binding, the book trade, graphic arts, book history, literature, bibliography, telecommunications, and computer science when, in the author's judgment, a definition might prove useful to librarians and information specialists in their work. Entries are descriptive, with examples provided when appropriate. The definitions of terms used in the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules follow AACR2 closely and are therefore intended to be prescriptive. The dictionary includes some slang terms and idioms and a few obsolete terms, often as See references to the term in current use. When the meaning of a term varies depends on the field in which it is used, priority is given to the definition that applies within the field with which it is most closely associated. Definitions unrelated to LIS are generally...