
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Art of Weeding | Collection Management

The Art of Weeding | Collection Management Getting rid of books can feel uncomfortable and look bad to community members, but careful weeding is key to the health of a collection.

Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google | Alternet

Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google | Alternet

ALADIN, the Adult Learning Documentation and Information Network,

ALADIN..... ALADIN, the Adult Learning Documentation and Information Network, has been established to support networking and capacity building between documentation centres and libraries in the area of adult learning and literacy. It emerged in 1997 from a CONFINTEA V workshop in Hamburg which focused explicitly on adult education documentation and information. ALADIN is working towards facilitating global access to information and documentation on adult learning and serving as an information broker between researchers, practitioners and policy makers by:sharing relevant information on adult learning; correcting the uneven distribution of adult learning documentation and information resources; providing training in adult learning knowledge management. Today it comprises of 99 documentation centres in 48 countries in all regions of the world, with some being complex university libraries and research units, some being small NGO resource centres and others being virtual collections...