
Showing posts from June, 2014

ALSC recommends more Great Websites for Kids

ALSC recommends more Great Websites for Kids The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, has added more sites to Great Websites for Kids, its online resource containing hundreds of links to exceptional websites for children. The newly added sites are: Creative Kids Central - Frontiers for Young Minds -  Harry Potter Alliance - Latinos in Kid Lit -  Ocean Portal -  Optics for Kids -  Paka Paka - Periodic Table of Elements - Planet D -  Plaza Sésamo -  Quarked! Adventures in the Subatomic Universe! - Semillitas de aprendizaje -

Five Tips to Starting Your Own Online Book Club

Five Tips to Starting Your Own Online Book Club by APRYL FLYNN GILLISS 1. Do your research. Sacramento (Calif.) Public Library’s Amy Calhoun advises those who want to start an online book club to research what other library groups and popular non-library groups are already doing online and implement the features that generate the most interaction. “Offering an online option allows us to cater to people who prefer the convenience of participating from home without a set schedule or who simply feel more comfortable interacting online than face to face,” she says. 2. Add an online component to an existing book club. Consider existing structures, groups, and opportunities in which you might add an online component, suggests Lauren Lampasone, a digital producer for New York Public Library. “If you have a solid community on Facebook that is interested, use that rather than Google+ (or vice versa),” she says. “If you have patrons who complain about not being able to attend your ...

Declaration for the Right to Libraries

Declaration for the Right to Libraries

Library Bill of Rights

Library Bill of Rights The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services. I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment. IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas. V. A person’s right to use a library should no...

UpClose: Designing 21st-Century Libraries | Library by Design

UpClose: Designing 21st-Century Libraries | Library by Design By Peter Gisolfi Public libraries are busier and more popular with patrons than ever. Today’s library is a place for social interaction as well as quiet reading. It is a community cultural center, not simply a repository for books. It is a welcoming building with a design focus on transparency, not a series of isolated spaces. ELEVEN EMERGING TRENDS It is often difficult to recognize changing trends while they are still in flux. That said, consider the typical characteristics of today’s 21st-century library. While the library remains an inspiring public building with an important civic presence, many other aspects are different: An informal community cultural center Transparency among spaces so patrons can be seen and more easily served Reading spaces interspersed within the various collections Larger and more varied spaces for children and teens Community, meeting, and activity rooms of varied sizes Dayligh...

U.S. Navy Launches NeRD, a Security Enhanced E-Reader

U.S. Navy Launches NeRD, a Security Enhanced E-Reader By  Matt Enis The U.S. Navy General Library Program (NGLP) last month announced the release of its new Navy e-Reader Device (NeRD), which comes preloaded with 300 titles including popular fiction, recent bestsellers, and content from the Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program. The new e-ink readers were designed by preloaded digital content provider Findaway World (perhaps best known in the library world for its Playaway) and are the first devices to feature Findaway’s new “Lock” ereader security solution.

Transmedia and Education: How Transmedia Is Changing the Way We Learn

Transmedia and Education: How Transmedia Is Changing the Way We Learn by Carolyn Sun Transmedia, a broad descriptive word that literally translated means “across media” and encompasses many strategies that transverse industries, is generally regarded as the use of multiple media platforms to tell a story or story experience. Though the word “transmedia” is thought to have entertainment franchise origins, its adaptation for education purposes is both valuable and becoming more and more common. While teachers like Sansing are using coding and programming in their language arts instruction, others are taking advantage of increasingly sophisticated apps and interactive media for classroom use.

10 Awesome Presentations from Computers in Libraries 2014

10 Awesome Presentations from Computers in Libraries 2014  by Ellyssa Kroski Information Today’s excellent Computers in Libraries conference took place in Washington DC and featured top-notch presentations by librarian on the cutting-edge of technology. Rock Your Library’s Content With WordPress Re-Imagining the Library Website Experience Tools & Idea Blitz: Steal for Your Website! Makerspace Info Blitz! Delivering Library Services With (And For) Google Glass Dealing With Data: From Research to Visualization Robots in the Library: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems Tools & Tips Info Blitz Students, iPads, and Research: A Perfect Combination Appily Ever After: Apps and Embedding Tools in 21st-Century Libraries

Creating customers for life: 50 resources on loyalty, churn and customer retention

Creating customers for life: 50 resources on loyalty, churn and customer retention  by GREGORY CIOTTI Earning customer loyalty is an uphill battle, but it is always worth the effort. The Harvard Business School report showcased how, on average, increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases profits by 25 percent to 95 percent. The Art of Customer Loyalty The Marketer’s Guide to Customer Loyalty The Buffer “Happiness” Reports Customer Service Isn’t a Department How to Measure and Increase Customer Loyalty The Value of a “Frugal Wow” How to Measure Customer Satisfaction Everyone in SaaS Needs to Do Customer Support A Brief Guide to a Better Email Creating Customer Loyalty Programs that Stick The Complete Guide to Using Social Media for Customer Service When Customer Delight is Complete Bullsh*t Don’t Lie, You Don’t Care Technically Correct, the Worst Kind of Correct The Data that Drives Customer Support for Over 600,000 Product Use Cases The S...

Your guide to mobile social media: Phone and tablet Strategies for Twitter, Facebook and more

Your guide to mobile social media: Phone and tablet Strategies for Twitter, Facebook and more Mobile devices are fast becoming the preferred method of reading, sharing, and engaging with online content. It’s strange to think that the content we create on desktops and laptops will end up on dozens of different screen sizes before all is said and done. It’s a good lesson to keep in mind.

Library of Congress Plans Improvements to Cataloger’s Desktop

Library of Congress Plans Improvements to Cataloger’s Desktop The Library of Congress will introduce enhancements to its Cataloger’s Desktop service that will be available in September 2014 . The enhancements will help catalogers find and use Desktop resources more easily, through a simpler user interface, expanded search and navigation, and improved help and training. Cataloger’s Desktop enables catalogers and metadata specialists to be more productive by bringing together the most useful and varied array of catalogs, cataloging rules, markup standards and manuals into a single search environment. Desktop is a cost-effective tool that helps catalogers maintain a high level of quality service to their libraries.

Surviving Cataloging Class

Surviving Cataloging Class by Tracy Wasserman. Many LIS students dread cataloging/classification class, a required course in some library schools.  cataloging/classification is an integral part of the value of librarians to society, as there is more information to organize than ever before.Librarians should all understand how to catalog and classify information, and be comfortable with this skill.  And understanding the value of cataloging goes a long way to staying motivated in cataloging class.     Here are resources to help: Use online cataloging tools Follow AutoCat and other cataloging listservs Practice / Save your work  Embrace the humor

Vatican library moves into the 21st century

Vatican library moves into the 21st century by  Aimee Chanthadavong  | The Vatican library has begun mass digitising 82,000 historic manuscripts to make them available online. As part of the project, EMC has offered 2.8 petabytes of storage — enough to store about 40 million pages of digitlised manuscripts — to help the Vatican library digitise its collection, which includes documents like the 42 line Latin Bible of Gutenberg, the first book printed with movable type dating between 1451 and 1455.

The Practical Librarian’s Guide to Collection Development

The Practical Librarian’s Guide to Collection Development    by Abby Preschel Kalan After years of practicing adult collection development skills in a medium-sized suburban public library, Abby have discovered that specific “shortcut” rules have become second nature to me. He present here an annotated rundown of my shortcuts that can help anyone create and maintain viable and successful collections for customers older than 10.

Awesome Resources to Populate Library Social Media

Awesome Resources to Populate Library Social Media by Stephen Abram Tumblrarians Someecards  Libraries using Facebook Pages  Pinterest Flickr Getty Images

54 Library Stories You May Have Missed in May 2014

54 Library Stories You May Have Missed in May 2014 by Ellyssa Kroski  This past month’s offerings include stories on Twitter applications, the Vatican library digital collection, eBooks, and more.  Be sure to scan these 54 library stories to get caught up on your LIS reading! 8 Tips for Libraries to Incorporate Tech into their Summer Reading Programs Responding to the second wave of the Digital Divide Library social media resources 5 Ways Libraries Can Use Vine for Marketing NYPL abandons controversial renovation plan 35 Library Stories You May Have Missed in April 10 Finance Hacks for College Students Librarians reimagine book clubs with the Help of Technology 7 Astonishing Objects Made with 3D Printers 5 Great Sites for 30,000+ Free 3D Printing Models The practical librarian’s guide to collection development What you need to know to take a librarian job abroad Vatican Library moves into the ...